Sofa cleaning is a process that is often overlooked. In many homes, sofas can go for months or even years without being cleaned. This is not advisable. Dirty sofas or those that have remained unclean for long periods of time can harbour a lot of dirt, pests, and germs. They can also make the couch appear unattractive, and wear out very fast. That is why sofas should be cleaned often enough, and in the right way. This will allow you to maintain your couch for long periods and to ensure that the health of everyone in the house is not compromised.
How often you need to clean your sofa will depend on several factors that include the following:
1. Type of material
The first one is the material your sofa is made from. There are materials that harbour a lot of dirt over short periods of time. For example, if your sofa is covered by fabric, then there is a high chance that dirt clings to this fabric very easily. For example, when the room is dusty, some of these dust particles will settle on the couch and be absorbed by the fabric. Other materials such as leather do not absorb dirt easily because it can be wiped off with a moist cloth or dusted with a dry duster.
2. Presence of children
The second factor is the presence of children in the home. Children, unlike adults, can be very messy. They spill food easily, and bring a lot of dirt into the house after playing. Some of these spills are made on the sofa. The couch can also get stained when a child smears dirt from outside on it. In such household, regular sofa cleaning is very important. If it is not done, the stains will become permanent on the sofa and make it even harder to clean afterwards. It will mean the house will generally appear dirty and unappealing.
3. Pets
Thirdly, you will need to clean your sofa a lot if you have pets in the house. The reason is because pets tend to shed a lot of fur and leave it all over the room. When a pet gets on the couch a lot, some of this fur sticks on the couch and will remain there unless it is removed though sofa cleaning. Fur on your sofa will change the appearance of the fabric especially when it accumulates. In addition, some people are allergic to fur and if a couch has not been cleaned, this will lead to allergic reactions.
Pets also carry pests and germs in their fur from outside the house and onto your sofa. If these pests are not removed, they will hide inside the crevices and cracks of the couch. Once this happens, there is a chance that the pests will reproduce and become a menace in the house. The same is true for germs in animal fur. To avoid all this, make sure that your sofa is cleaned more often than usual if you have pets in the house. At the very least, vacuum the fur off your sofas every day so that it does not accumulate.
What to consider when cleaning the sofa
Having looked at those factors, there are several things you can do if you want to make sure that your couches are often clean. These include the following;
• Cover your couch with dirt resistant material.
• Remove stains from the couch as soon as they appear.
• Vacuum for from the couch as often as possible.
• Have your sofa professionally dry cleaned every 6 months.
• Check crevices and gaps in your sofa constantly for dirt.
• Pay special attention to areas that accumulate dirt easily, such as the arms.
Covering your couch with dirt resistant material is a very good way of ensuring that the sofa stays clean for longer. These materials are of various types and you can ask about the one that is right for you when you are buying your couch. The substances repel dirt and dust particles, preventing them from settling on your sofa. If a stain does appear on your sofa for example when food is spilt on it, remove it immediately using the correct solution. Ensure that the stain remover you use matches the stain itself.
Some parts on a couch tend to accumulate dirt more than others. The arms are one good example, since they are most exposed part of the sofa, chances are that they will be will be soiled and stained more often than other parts. Clean the arms regularly, whether it means removing stains on them or vacuuming fur. If not, the arms will wear out faster than the rest of the sofa. Spaces between the arms of the couch and the back or even the seating surface will harbour more dirt than other parts, because they have gaps in them where particles of dirt and dust collect. Clean these gaps constantly as well.
Cleaning your sofa professionally
Having a professional do you couch cleaning is very important because they will ensure that job is done very well. Call in a professional if your sofa has remained unclean for long periods of time. This way, they can remove all the accumulated dirt properly without affecting the fabric of your sofa. Also, they can make sure that there is no dirt left in the crevices and gaps. If you choose not to call a professional, then follow the cleaning instructions provided on the sofa cleaning substance.
As shown, cleaning your couch is a very important activity in your house cleaning routine. The number of times you do it will depend on several factors, such as the presence of pets in the house. If you overlook cleaning your sofa for long periods of time, dirt will accumulate on it and have some undesired effects that include causing allergies, and giving the room a bad appearance. Dirty sofas also wear out more often that clean ones. Apart from some sofa cleaning activities that you can easily do yourself, call in a professional every six months or so and have the sofa thoroughly cleaned.